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Notes + Questions: Gospel of the King - According to Matthew

Sep 11, 2022


Gospel - The Good News that God saves sinners by grace alone.
The Gospels - Special Literary genre: Narratives about the saving activity of Jesus, the Messiah, the Son of God. Books about His birth, life, teaching, miracles, suffering, death and resurrection.

1. John the Disciple: Son of God - Savior of the World
2. Luke the Physician and Historian: Jesus, Son of Man, for Gentiles
3. Mark the young rich friend in Jerusalem: Son of Man - Suffering Servant
4. Matthew the tax collector: Jesus the King

Content of Matthew:

The King and His Kingdom

1. Old Testament Expectations
• Genesis 3:15
• Genesis 49:10
• 2 Samuel 7:16
• Psalm 2:6-12
• Psalm 24:10
2. Old Testament Descriptions
• Isaiah 7:14
• Daniel 7:13-14
• Isaiah 9:6-7
• Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23
• Isaiah 53:3-7
3. The Kingdom of Heaven
• Ultimate Sovereignty of God over this world
• Claim that we His creatures should serve the King
• The Kingdom is where God rules
• The story points to a future Kingdom where God’s will is going to be done perfectly for all times.
4. Kingdom Invitation:
• Repent - Mt. 3:2; 4:17; 18:3
• Believe - Mt. 18:6
• Submit (total allegiance) - Mt. 13:44-46

Structure of Matthew:

Prologue: Royal Birth and Genealogy - Mt. 1:1-2:23

1. Kingdom Ethics
• Narrative — 3:1-4:25
• Teaching — 5:1-7:28+29
2. Kingdom Mission
• Narrative — 8:1-9:34
• Teaching — 9:35-11:1
3. Kingdom Mystery
• Narrative — 11:2-12:50
• Teaching — 13:1-13:53
4. Kingdom Discipleship
• Narrative — 13:54-17:27
• Teaching — 18:1-19:1
5. Kingdom Ultimatum
• Narrative — 19:2-23:39
• Teaching — 24:1-26:1

Epilogue: The King dies for His People - Mt. 26:2-28:20

The Author of Matthew:

Matthew 9:9-13
• Mercy for a Tax-Collector
• Mercy for Sinners
• Mercy for You and me

Matthew 20:28 - unqualified sinners the recipients of mercy


1. How does the talk of King and Kingdom strike you?
2. Talk about the story of Matthew -
what stood out?
what made you curious?
what does that mean for you?
3. Talk about mercy - what is it, and how does it apply to our lives and our Gospel witness?

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