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Notes + Questions: The Kingdom and Righteousness

Oct 16, 2022    Pastor Matthias Haeusel


Isn’t Christianity just like every other religion?
The difference between religion and following Jesus is that in religion we pursue God, whereas in Christianity God pursues us in Christ!

Performance based Religion -vs- Grace-based Relationship


What did the people of Jesus' day mean by law?
• 10 Commandments
• Pentateuch
• 613 Commandments (248 positive and 365 negative)
• Every minuscule scribal command - solely external and in addition to scripture (example - how to properly keep the Sabbath)

The Law was generally divided into three parts:
• Moral - 10 Commandments
• Judicial - Governing the nation of Israel
• Ceremonial - Temple ritual and worship

Most often The Law and the Prophets was an expression used to describe the whole Old Testament.


1. Jesus is Fulfillment and Consummation!
• Doctrinal Teaching - Jesus brought it to completion. -God -Creation -Righteousness -Sin -Sacrifice -Marriage -Justice -Love
• Predictive Prophecy - a) specific Messianic prophecies: Jesus fulfilled them all - to fulfill what the Prophet had said… b) types and foreshadows - Jesus is the fulfillment that was anticipated specifically in the sacrifice of his own body and his substitutionary death on the cross
• Ethical Precepts - Jesus was born under the law and obeyed it perfectly fulfilling all righteousness not just outwardly but inwardly (see next section in Matthew)

2. 5 passages that claim that Jesus is the consummation and fulfillment of the OT:
• Hebrews 10:7
• John 5:39
• Matthew 5:17
• Luke 4:27
• Luke 24:44

3. Jesus in every book of the Old Testament:
• Genesis - Jesus is the Seed of the woman
• Exodus - Jesus is the true Passover Lamb
• Leviticus - Jesus is the High Priest
• Numbers - Jesus is the Pillar of Cloud/Pillar of Fire to show the way
• Deuteronomy - Jesus is the Prophet like Moses
• Joshua - Jesus is the Hero of our Salvation
• Judges - Jesus is the Lawgiver and Judge
• Ruth - Jesus is our Kinsman Redeemer
• 1,2 Samuel - Jesus is the True Prophet
• Kings & Chron. - Jesus is the rightful King
• Ezra - Jesus is the faithful Scribe
• Nehemiah - Jesus is the builder of the Wall
• Esther - Jesus is Mordecai who saves his people
• Job - Jesus is the ever living Redeemer
• Psalms - Jesus is the good Shepherd
• Prov. Eccl. - Jesus is true wisdom
• Song of Solomon - Jesus is the true Lover and Bridegroom
• Isaiah - Jesus is the Prince of Peace and the Suffering Servant
• Jeremiah & Lam. - Jesus is the weeping prophet
• Ezekiel - Jesus is the true Shepherd who gives his people a new heart and a new spirit
• Daniel - Jesus is the 4th man in the fiery furnace
• Hosea - Jesus is the faithful husband married to the ever unfaithful bride
• Joel - Jesus is the Baptizer with the Holy Spirit
• Amos - Jesus is the Lion of the tribe of Judah who roars against the injustice in the land and He is the burden bearer
• Obadiah - Jesus is the Savior
• Jonah - Jesus is the true Missionary
• Micah - Jesus is the Ruler from Bethlehem and the Shepherd of his people
• Nahum - Jesus is the Avenger
• Habakuk - Jesus is Evangelist
• Zephaniah - Jesus is the Lord mighty to save
• Haggai - Jesus is the Restorer of the lost heritage
• Zechariah - Jesus is the fountain of David’s house open for cleansing
• Malachi - Jesus is the sun of righteousness rising with healing in its wings

(Adapted from John MacArthur)


Jesus violated traditional Jewish understanding of the law, but not the law itself.
Jesus seemed to contradict the law bc he disregarded traditional Jewish interpretation of it.
Jesus seems to repeal parts of the law. For example:
• healing on the Sabbath
• All foods are clean (Mt. 15:17-20 & Mk. 7:14)
• Limited freedom to divorce
• Declared people forgiven
• Cast out recognized businessmen from the temple

And yet: Jesus commitment to the law and its righteous standards is absolute.
• “I always do the things that are pleasing to my Father…” - John 8:29
• “Who can convict me of sin?” - John 8:46
• No sin was found in him so they got false witnesses - Mt.26:59-60
• Tempted in every way, yet without sin - Hebrews 4:15
• He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth. - 1 Peter 2:22


• John 3:3
• Mt 18:3
• Mt 5:20

God’s Righteousness: God always acts in accordance with what is right - God himself is the final standard of what is right.
• They tried to establish their own righteousness and failed - Romans 10:3a
• Jesus is the end of the law for righteousness for everyone who believes - Romans 10:3b
• The Cross shows God’s righteousness - Romans 3:25-26
• Righteousness is a gift from God - Romans 5:17
• Jesus takes my sin and gives me his righteousness - 2 Corinthians 5:21
• Jesus becomes a curse for me - Galatians 3:13

Justification - God’s declaration that we are just in His sight - “just as if we had never sinned”
• Forgiveness of sin - moral neutrality
• Imputation of righteousness (Romans 5:17) - moral perfection


• Saved from the Law and to the law - Romans 6:18-19
• New Covenant and a new Heart / Spirit = Desire to obey - Ezekiel 36:24-28
• Christ our wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption. - 1 Corinthians 1:30


1. Share one takeaway from the Sermon.
2. What is your view of and your attitude toward the Old Testament?
3. Were you familiar with the concept of “imputation”? What does that mean for you practically?
4. Read Ezekiel 36:22-28 What do verses 26 & 27 mean for you today?

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