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CG Questions

Jan 26, 2025    Pastor Matthias Haeusel

Review the questions below and utilize the ones that best fit your group.

1. When you think of being a fully devoted follower of Jesus, what are the first things that come to mind?

2. How does generosity factor in to being a fully devoted follower of Jesus?

3. How has God been generous to you?

4. What does it look like to put hope in your possessions? Do you struggle with that?

5. Should Christians be held to the tithing requirements in the Old Testament? Why or why not? If not, how should we think about those requirements?

6. Do the different tithing requirements in the Old Testament affect how you view giving? (The different types of tithes in the OT are listed in the sermon notes on the app)

7. In terms of giving, how do you determine what is obedient or generous for your financial situation?

8. What step of generosity do you think you should take this week?

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