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Notes + Questions: Covenant: Life of Isaac

Jul 23, 2023    Pastor Matthias Haeusel


We are continuing our series on Covenant—Many Stories one Hero—today as we look at the story of Isaac. From Genesis 12 to the book of Joshua the Bible traces God’s divine program through the lives and stories first of the Patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph and his brothers, and then the nation of Israel as a whole. God’s divinely superintended story of redemption is a story that started with the promise of the coming Savior and Redeemer in Eden in Genesis 3 and it is consummated in the restoration of all things and God among His redeemed people in the New Jerusalem in Revelation 21 and 22.

Throughout the pages of the 66 books of the Bible we see that the backbone of the meta-narrative of Scripture is God’s covenant, His covenant promises and covenant faithfulness. We have defined Covenant as “A Relationship between two parties who make binding promises to each other, and work together for a common goal.” For the past two weeks we have been tracing the story of God’s covenant through the life of Abraham. The father of the faithful will remain center-stage, at least initially, even as we shift our attention to Isaac and explore God’s dealings with the promised child.

Romans 15:5 states, ‘For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.’ As we consider the life of Isaac, we will take a look at six vignettes that I pray would be instructive for our personal lives as well as help our hearts grow in hope:







We will wrap up with a look at how this all points to Jesus - the hero of the story and the author and finisher of our Faith!


God initiates Covenant

Genesis 12:1-3

Genesis 15:4


Genesis 17:15-19

Genesis 18:10-15


God has initiated His covenant with you

-Either because He has already saved you 

-Or, because He has brought you here to hear this message today


God brings His promises to pass

Genesis 18:14

Genesis 21:1-5


-God is able to fulfill his promises and accomplish what He has purposed to do.

-Hebrews 11:12


God tests Abraham, allowing him to see his own faith and God’s provision

Genesis 22:1-14


-God has given up His Son will you not give up that which you hold most dear to gain what is better than even that?

-Obedience - v.3

-James 2:21-23

-Show me your actions, and I will tell you what you believe.

-Trust - v.5-6

-Hebrews 11:17-19

-Substitution - v.7-14

-Substitutionary Atonement

The Essence of Sin: Man substituting himself for God.

The Essence of Salvation: God substituting Himself for mankind.


It matters who you marry

-Genesis 24


-Be extremely cautious in choosing a spouse! 

-Who you marry is the second most important decision of your life.


Repeating the sins of the father

-Genesis 26:6-14

-Genesis 25:28 - Favoritism


-God does not choose us based on how holy or how smart or how obedient or how wise we are. He chooses us based on His grace alone.


Learning from past mistakes - Prayer + Blessing + Covenant

-Genesis 25:20-21

-Genesis 26:1-5

-Genesis 27:27-29; 28:3-4 

-Hebrews 11:20


-Learn from the mistakes and sins of others.

-Believe God - His character and His promises


Luke 24:26-27

John 5:39-40

The Promised Son

The Miraculous Birth

The Father offering His Son

The Substitutionary Sacrifice

The Marriage Feast of the Lamb

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