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CG Questions: Daniel - Resurrection Hope

Nov 19, 2023    Pastor Matthias Haeusel

CG Questions:

1. How does the hope of future resurrection and deliverance help you deal with hardship today?

2. When you ask God “Why?” during times of struggle, are you earnestly wanting to hear from God or is there blame in your “tone” towards God?

3. As a group, spend some time praying for some people you know that don’t know Christ.

4. Is it difficult for you to wait on God’s timing? What can you do to help you remain patient?

5. It was said during the sermon that the antidote to evil, hopelessness, and sorrow is to study the Word. What does that look like for you? What does your time in scripture look like recently?

6. How do you intentionally develop wisdom? Is it scripture, pastors, mentors, supplemental reading, other ways and/or a combo of it all? 

7. As we wrap up this sermon series, do you see any themes of the book of Daniel in your life right now? Perseverance during trial? Striving for holiness in a dark world?

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