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Notes + Questions: Gospel Generosity

Sep 10, 2023    Pastor Emerson Fulton




•Deity of Christ

•Salvation by grace

•Inerrancy and authority of scripture

•Return of Christ to rule, reign, and judge

Doctrinal distinctives

•Gospel centrality

•Concerning salvation

•Spirit empowered ministry

•Complementarian relationships

•Missional responsibility of the local church


•Biblical truth

•Authentic communities



•Service & Participation



A Generous God

God is generous as creator

God is generous as savior 


The Book of 2nd Corinthians

•Author – Apostle Paul

•Date – Mid 50’s AD

•Setting – Written from Macedonia before Paul returns to Corinth 

•4th letter written by Paul to the church in Corinth

Gospel Integrity – 2nd Corinthians 9:1-5

Generosity principles: Readiness & Willingness


Theology of Generosity – 2nd Corinthians 9:6-7

Generosity principles: Bountiful & Cheerful


Benefits of Generosity – 2nd Corinthians 9:8-15

•Personal benefits: Sufficiency & Righteousness

•Church-wide benefits: Thanksgiving to God, Glory to God, & Affection for the church





CG Questions

1. How does the gospel produce generosity? What does that look like in your life?

2. How would you describe the differences between a cheerful giver and a “reluctant, careful” giver?

3. In verse 6, what is being sowed and what is being reaped? Does this verse support the prosperity gospel? Why or why not?

4. How can you generously partner with or support other churches or organizations that are working for the glory of God?

5. When have you enjoyed giving of your time, talents, or treasure? 

6. As a community group, how can you be collectively serving or giving generously?

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