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Notes + Questions: The Kingdom & Righteousness

Nov 6, 2022    Pastor Matthias Haeusel


The Pharisees had developed a ‘Quasi-Biblical Spirituality’, that was based on Human Achievement, Self-Effort, and a legalistic righteousness that was merely outward.

Jesus contrasts this with a true biblical interpretation that leads His hearers back to God’s intent, making true righteousness a heart righteousness, that requires both a new heart and the indwelling Holy Spirit.

"You have heard that it was said…" - the Rabbinic interpretation and teaching on righteousness
“But I say to you…” - Jesus calling people to the intent of the commandment

Matthew 5:21-48

• Murder - Anger
• Adultery - Lust
• Divorce - Faithfulness
• Oaths - Truthfulness
• Retaliation - Turn the other cheek
• Love your neighbor - Love your enemy


Matthew 5:33-37
Instead of oaths that validate your statement be known as a truth-teller.
Fully devoted followers of Jesus are known for their truthfulness and trustworthiness!


Matthew 5:38-42

Lex Taliones

• Pride
• Fear
• Freedom

Love Your Enemies:

Matthew 5:43-48

• Leviticus 19:17, 18, 34
• Exodus 23:4,5
• Deuteronomy 22:1-4
• Proverbs 25:21

Who Is Your Neighbor?

The Good Samaritan - Luke 10:25-37


• Ask God for conviction
• Repent
• Pray
• Act

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