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Notes + Questions: Pride & Humility

May 15, 2022    Pastor Matthias Haeusel

Pride is instinctive - it is the natural bend of the fallen soul
Pride is encouraged - it is applauded and rewarded
Pride is revered - it is even taught as self-reliance and self-confidence

God opposes the proud - 1 Peter 5:5; James 4:6
God mocks the proud - Proverbs 3:34
God hates pride and arrogance - Proverbs 6:16-17
God will punish the proud - Proverbs 16:5,18

1 Peter 5:5-7 Exposition

God opposes the proud!

Nebuchadnezzar - Daniel 4:28-32
Herod - Acts 12:20-23

Pride is always about self…

“Individuals motivated by self-interest, self-indulgence and a false sense of self-sufficiency pursue selfish ambition for the purpose of self-glorification.” ~ C.J Mahaney


BUT, God opposes the proud!

Isaiah 42:8 - I am the LORD; that is my name; my glory I give to no other, nor my praise to carved Idols.

“God cannot bear with seeing His glory appropriated by the creature in even the smallest degree, so intolerable to Him is the sacrilegious arrogance of those who, by praising themselves, obscure His glory as far as they can.” ~ John Calvin

Signs you may be dealing with Pride:
Do you care about your reputation or God’s?
How do you react when you are criticized?
Are you stubborn?
Do you quickly criticize others?
Do you assume you know people’s heart and motives?
Do you have absolute confidence in your assessment of others and yourself?
Are you unteachable?
Are you self-righteous?
Are you prone to comparing yourself with others?

Serving others for the glory of God…

Consider others better
Lower yourself
Look to the interests of others
Admit your reality
Ask for help
Be willing to do tasks for which you will not be noticed and for which others may get the credit


Cultivating Humility:
Acknowledge your need!
Gratitude for God’s provision and faithfulness!
Consider the needs of others!
Don’t criticize but find ways to celebrate evidences of Grace! (consider the Fruit of the Spirit)
Consider Jesus!
Consider the Cross!

“How can anyone be arrogant, when he stands beside the cross?” ~ Carl F. Henry

How would you define pride/humility?
In what way is this sermon convicting? (consider: Signs that you may be dealing with pride)
What will you do this week to help cultivate humility? How can we hold you accountable to that?

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