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Notes + Questions: Covenant: Life of Joseph (Part 1)

Aug 6, 2023    Pastor Emerson Fulton

Text – Genesis 37:1-11


Introduction – Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat

God’s Providence - How God’s sovereignty works all things for His purposes


The Covenant Series

Genesis 15:13-14


The Family

Genesis 37:1-4


The Dreams

Genesis 37:5-11

Dream 1 – The sheafs of grain

Dream 2 – The sun, moon and stars



Genesis 37:12-36


Potiphar’s Wife

Genesis 39


The Prisoners Dreams

Genesis 40


What About Us?

How does the story of Joseph intersect with our lives?

Matthew 1:22-23 – Immanuel

Christ in this story



God is with us

Our lives will be filled with trials

God is sovereign and in control of everything

Joy in the trials – James 1:2-4

Community Group Questions:

-Did you learn anything new about the Joseph story?

-How does Joseph point forward to Jesus?

-How would you define providence in your own words?

-Discuss what the Bible teaches about providence.

-Do you believe God is involved and guides your life? Why or why not?

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