The life in the womb is not a blob of tissue, but a son or daughter of God!Psalm 127:3-5 — Behold children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward…In Vitro Fertilization Is it ok for Christian married couples to use IVF? • Ethical Debate regarding Human Dignity, Personhood, Integrity of the Family, etc. • Christians disagree: - Is man playing god creating something that should not be? - Is this a means of God’s grace by means of modern advancements in science and medicine?a. Concerns regarding IVF • Humans playing god • IVF rejects God as Creator and Author of Life • Babies through Surrogates negates the bond between mother and baby. • The integrity of the family is destroyed • 100’s of thousands of Human Embryos are stored or destroyedb. IVF as an option for Christian married couples (Adapted from Dr. Wayne Grudem) • Overcoming Infertility is pleasing to God • Modern medicine is a divine blessing • We should treat an unborn child as a Human Person from conception—> Yes, it is ok for Christian married couples to use IVF as long as no fertilized eggs are destroyed. (my opinion only)Birth Control Is it ok for Christian married couples to use birth control? • Preventative Methods (Contraceptive - preventing conception/fertilization) - Barrier Methods (Condoms, Diaphragms) - Hormonal Methods preventing ovulation • Abortive Methods - Abortifacient Drugs such as certain pills - Preventing implantation of a fertilized egg - Causing early term miscarriageQuestions to consider: • Is birth-control consistent with the truth that children are a blessing from God? • Should we let God determine the size of our family? • Should natural family planning be preferred to artificial means of birth-control? • What is our attitude toward children? • Do selfish motives control our decisions in this realm?Abortion Does the Bible really condemn / forbid abortion?—> The answer is unequivocally YES! • God is the Lord of Life - we do not have the right to terminate the life of the innocent • The Bible affirms that a pre-born life is a person in God’s Image • Children in and out of the womb are seen the same way in Scripture (same word - Bréphos in Scripture for pre-born, newborn, toddlers) • Killing babies in the womb robs God of a generation of worshippers (Psalm 102:18) • Murdering Children is not from the LORD (Jeremiah 7:31) • These pre-born babies are God’s children and He will bring His recompense on those who murder His children (Matthew 18:5-6)Prayer • Submit to Christ’s Lordship! • Abortion is murder, murder is sin, all sin deserves God’s wrath. BUT - In Jesus Forgiveness is available! • Jesus has open arms for the sinner! • Jesus will not cast you out! • Jesus will receive you, forgive you, cleanse you, heal you and wipe away your tears!#CG QUESTIONS: • How is your heart after hearing this sermon? Do you need prayer, care, or additional one-on-one conversations? • What questions did this sermon answer for you? • What questions did it create? • How can Christians love and care for women who find themselves in desperate ’no-way-out’ circumstances?PRAY!  • acknowledge your sin • acknowledge the sin of our nation • ask for God’s forgiveness • pray for women and men who have been involved in the taking of a human life • pray that we could be part of the answer - being God’s hands and feet in our communities" /> The life in the womb is not a blob of tissue, but a son or daughter of God!Psalm 127:3-5 — Behold children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward…In Vitro Fertilization Is it ok for Christian married couples to use IVF? • Ethical Debate regarding Human Dignity, Personhood, Integrity of the Family, etc. • Christians disagree: - Is man playing god creating something that should not be? - Is this a means of God’s grace by means of modern advancements in science and medicine?a. Concerns regarding IVF • Humans playing god • IVF rejects God as Creator and Author of Life • Babies through Surrogates negates the bond between mother and baby. • The integrity of the family is destroyed • 100’s of thousands of Human Embryos are stored or destroyedb. IVF as an option for Christian married couples (Adapted from Dr. Wayne Grudem) • Overcoming Infertility is pleasing to God • Modern medicine is a divine blessing • We should treat an unborn child as a Human Person from conception—> Yes, it is ok for Christian married couples to use IVF as long as no fertilized eggs are destroyed. (my opinion only)Birth Control Is it ok for Christian married couples to use birth control? • Preventative Methods (Contraceptive - preventing conception/fertilization) - Barrier Methods (Condoms, Diaphragms) - Hormonal Methods preventing ovulation • Abortive Methods - Abortifacient Drugs such as certain pills - Preventing implantation of a fertilized egg - Causing early term miscarriageQuestions to consider: • Is birth-control consistent with the truth that children are a blessing from God? • Should we let God determine the size of our family? • Should natural family planning be preferred to artificial means of birth-control? • What is our attitude toward children? • Do selfish motives control our decisions in this realm?Abortion Does the Bible really condemn / forbid abortion?—> The answer is unequivocally YES! • God is the Lord of Life - we do not have the right to terminate the life of the innocent • The Bible affirms that a pre-born life is a person in God’s Image • Children in and out of the womb are seen the same way in Scripture (same word - Bréphos in Scripture for pre-born, newborn, toddlers) • Killing babies in the womb robs God of a generation of worshippers (Psalm 102:18) • Murdering Children is not from the LORD (Jeremiah 7:31) • These pre-born babies are God’s children and He will bring His recompense on those who murder His children (Matthew 18:5-6)Prayer • Submit to Christ’s Lordship! • Abortion is murder, murder is sin, all sin deserves God’s wrath. BUT - In Jesus Forgiveness is available! • Jesus has open arms for the sinner! • Jesus will not cast you out! • Jesus will receive you, forgive you, cleanse you, heal you and wipe away your tears!#CG QUESTIONS: • How is your heart after hearing this sermon? Do you need prayer, care, or additional one-on-one conversations? • What questions did this sermon answer for you? • What questions did it create? • How can Christians love and care for women who find themselves in desperate ’no-way-out’ circumstances?PRAY!  • acknowledge your sin • acknowledge the sin of our nation • ask for God’s forgiveness • pray for women and men who have been involved in the taking of a human life • pray that we could be part of the answer - being God’s hands and feet in our communities" /> Notes + Questions: When Does Life Begin? | Cross+Crown Church ``` ```

Notes + Questions: When Does Life Begin?

Jul 31, 2022    Pastor Matthias Haeusel

Psalm 139:13-18

• Lordship of Christ
• We have usurped the throne of God - in Adam
• We continue to set up our own thrones to rule our own fiefdoms

Questions you submitted:
• In Vitro Fertilization
• Birth Control
• Abortion

—> This is not a political issue but a biblical issue!

When does Life Begin?

a. Scientifically:
• Life begins at Conception
• “Uncontroversial among the scientific and philosophical community.”
• “However, what is controversial is whether this genetically unique cell should be considered a human person.”

American College of Pediatrics:
"The predominance of human biological research confirms that human life begins at conception—fertilization.”
"At fertilization, the human being emerges as a whole, genetically distinct, individuated zygotic living human organism, a member of the species Homo sapiens, needing only the proper environment in order to grow and develop.”

Princeton University:
“Life begins at Conception.”

Diane Irving, PHD
"upon fertilization, parts of human beings have actually been transformed into something very different from what they were before; they have been changed into a single, whole human being. During the process of fertilization, the sperm and the oocyte (egg) cease to exist as such, and a new human being is produced."

b. Biblically:
• Psalm 139:13-16
• Jeremiah 1:4-5
• Psalm 51:5
• Luke 1:39-44
• Exodus 21:22-24

Life and Personhood begin at Conception!

—> The life in the womb is not a blob of tissue, but a son or daughter of God!

Psalm 127:3-5 — Behold children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward…

In Vitro Fertilization

Is it ok for Christian married couples to use IVF?
• Ethical Debate regarding Human Dignity, Personhood, Integrity of the Family, etc.
• Christians disagree:
- Is man playing god creating something that should not be?
- Is this a means of God’s grace by means of modern advancements in science and medicine?

a. Concerns regarding IVF
• Humans playing god
• IVF rejects God as Creator and Author of Life
• Babies through Surrogates negates the bond between mother and baby.
• The integrity of the family is destroyed
• 100’s of thousands of Human Embryos are stored or destroyed

b. IVF as an option for Christian married couples (Adapted from Dr. Wayne Grudem)
• Overcoming Infertility is pleasing to God
• Modern medicine is a divine blessing
• We should treat an unborn child as a Human Person from conception

—> Yes, it is ok for Christian married couples to use IVF as long as no fertilized eggs are destroyed. (my opinion only)

Birth Control

Is it ok for Christian married couples to use birth control?

• Preventative Methods (Contraceptive - preventing conception/fertilization)
- Barrier Methods (Condoms, Diaphragms)
- Hormonal Methods preventing ovulation

• Abortive Methods
- Abortifacient Drugs such as certain pills
- Preventing implantation of a fertilized egg
- Causing early term miscarriage

Questions to consider:
• Is birth-control consistent with the truth that children are a blessing from God?
• Should we let God determine the size of our family?
• Should natural family planning be preferred to artificial means of birth-control?
• What is our attitude toward children?
• Do selfish motives control our decisions in this realm?


Does the Bible really condemn / forbid abortion?

—> The answer is unequivocally YES!

• God is the Lord of Life - we do not have the right to terminate the life of the innocent
• The Bible affirms that a pre-born life is a person in God’s Image
• Children in and out of the womb are seen the same way in Scripture (same word - Bréphos in Scripture for pre-born, newborn, toddlers)
• Killing babies in the womb robs God of a generation of worshippers (Psalm 102:18)
• Murdering Children is not from the LORD (Jeremiah 7:31)
• These pre-born babies are God’s children and He will bring His recompense on those who murder His children (Matthew 18:5-6)


• Submit to Christ’s Lordship!
• Abortion is murder, murder is sin, all sin deserves God’s wrath. BUT - In Jesus Forgiveness is available!
• Jesus has open arms for the sinner!
• Jesus will not cast you out!
• Jesus will receive you, forgive you, cleanse you, heal you and wipe away your tears!


• How is your heart after hearing this sermon? Do you need prayer, care, or additional one-on-one conversations?
• What questions did this sermon answer for you?
• What questions did it create?
• How can Christians love and care for women who find themselves in desperate ’no-way-out’ circumstances?

• acknowledge your sin
• acknowledge the sin of our nation
• ask for God’s forgiveness
• pray for women and men who have been involved in the taking of a human life
• pray that we could be part of the answer - being God’s hands and feet in our communities

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