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Advent Week 4: Sharing

Dec 20, 2020    Pastor Simon Price

**Discussion Questions:**

- What are you “hearing” from God right now?
- What has God enabled you to “see” anew this year?
- Are you feeling called to share the joy, truth, and hope of Jesus with someone else? Why/what?
- Who in your life might need to hear the Good News?
- How might you worship him with more of yourself after hearing and/or seeing what God us teaching you?
- How might we as a community of believers serve each other?


*Ignaz Semmelweis*
1. They Hear
2. That Saw
3. They Shared
4. They Worshiped

**John 17:3**
1. We hear
2. God opens our eyes
3. We share
4. We worship

*"We always worship what we value most"*

- John 4:39-41
- Mark 5:20
- Luke 1:46-55

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