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Notes + Questions: Biblical Leadership

May 8, 2022    Pastor Matthias Haeusel

Leadership Matters!

History has taught us to be suspicious of Leadership and Authority:
• Once you have read, heard, or lived the story it is hard not to be cautious.
• Once you have seen leadership abused it is hard not to be cynical.
• Once you have been lied to it is hard to trust.

Jesus loves His Church and he gives to it leaders so it is well loved, led and cared for!

I. Elders in Scripture:
• Moses and 70 Leaders of Israel - Numbers 11
• New Testament Churches - Acts14:23
• Church in Jerusalem - Acts 11:30; Acts 15
• Church in Antioch: - Acts 13
• Church in Ephesus - Acts 20
• Churches on Crete - Titus 1:5
• Churches in the Dispersion - James
• Churches in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia - 1 Peter

Terms to Consider:
• Elder - Presbuteros
• Overseer/Bishop - Episkopos
• Shepherd/Pastor - Poimen

Acts 20
• v.17 - elders / presbuteros
• v.28 - shepherd the flock / poimaino
• v.28 - of which the Holy Spirit made you overseers / episkopos

Titus 1
• v.5 - appoint elders / presbuteros
• v.7 - for an overseer is… / episkopos

1 Peter 5
• v.1 - I exhort the elders / presbuteros
• v.2 - shepherd the flock / poimanate
• v.2 - giving oversight / episkopounte

—> These Terms are synonymous and are interchangeably used for the same role in scripture.

II. Who are Elders?
2 Timothy 2
• v.2 - Teacher
• v.3 - Soldier
• v.5 - Athlete
• v.6 - Farmer
• v.15 - Worker
• v.20 - Vessel
• v.24 - Servant / Slave

—> Godly men who follow Jesus example of self-sacrificing servant leadership. (

John 10:11

III. What do Elders do?
1 Peter 5:2 - Provide a shepherd’s care…
• Lead
• Feed
• Guard / Protect
• Care

IV. How are Elders to lead?
1 Peter 5:1-6
• Willingly
• Eagerly
• Gently as examples
• Humbly

V. Why does it matter?
• For the good of the Church
• For the Glory of Christ
• For the Crown of Glory

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