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Notes + Questions: The Day of the Lord

Jul 10, 2022    Pastor Matthias Haeusel


The Day of the LORD - God’s judgment and recompense
• Near or Historical Fulfillments - Example: Destruction of Jerusalem 586 BC
• Far or Eschatological Fulfillments - The 2nd Coming of Christ and the Final Judgment

Maranatha - Lord, Come Quickly

The New Testament contains 300 references to the 2nd Coming of Jesus.
23 of the 27 books of the New Testament explicitly mention the Return of Jesus.

The Return of Christ:

The Return of Jesus is a satisfying end to a grand story, because it sets all things right.

1. The Villain is defeated.
2. The Damsel is rescued.
3. The Kingdom is restored.
4. All Creation sings with joy.
5. And, best of all, Jesus Return is not the end but merely the beginning of an even grander story reaching into eternity!

I. The Villain is defeated:

The devil and all his minions, collaborators and sympathizers are defeated and decisively dealt with.
• Revelation 20:10
• Matthew 25:41
• Revelation 20:15
• 2 Corinthians 5:10
• 2 Thessalonians 2:8

II. The Damsel is rescued:

We love to be the hero of the story, but we are the ones in need of rescue and deliverance.
In the story of David we see ourselves as David defeating the giant, when in fact we are the cowering Israelites, shaking with dread and paralyzed by fear.

• Ephesians 2:1-10

III. The Kingdom is restored:

• Revelation 21:1-5
• Revelation 22:1-5

IV. All Creation sings with Joy:

• Romans 8:18-21
• Psalm 19:1
• Isaiah 11:6-7
• Isaiah 55:12

V. The Beginning of an even grander story:

• Eternal life - John 3:16; 10:28-30; 1 John 2:17; 5:11+13; 1 Thessalonians 4:17; Psalm 23:6; 41:12
• In the Father’s House - John 14:2-3
• On the New Earth - Revelation 21 + 22


Our Hope -
• The Restoration of all things - Revelation 21:5
• Our bodily resurrection and new perfect bodies - 1 Corinthians 15:42-49
• A Spiritual Reward - 1 Corinthians 15:58
• Justice, Righteousness and the end of all evil - Revelation 22:3 cf. Luke 4:16-21


1. What stood out to you from the sermon? What questions did it raise?
2. Are you looking forward to the Coming of Jesus? Can you say with the Christians in the first century - "Maranatha - LORD come quickly”?
3. Do you have a love for this world that you wish you could be weaned from? Explain.

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