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Notes + Questions: Hope

Nov 27, 2022    Pastor Emerson Fulton

What is biblical hope?

 • Hebrews 11:1

 • Titus 2:13

 • Romans 8:23-25

Biblical hope - A confident expectation based upon a sure foundation for which we wait with joy


What is a genealogy?

 • A line of descent traced continuously from an ancestor

Two Key Characters: Abraham & David



The call of Abraham – Genesis 12:1-3

Three promises are made:

 • A promise of a land

 • A promise to be made into a great nation

 • A promise to bless all the nations

Hope in Abraham’s story

 • Romans 4:17-25

Connection to the genealogy

 • Galatians 3:7



Hope in David’s story

 • Psalm 71:1-6

Connection to the genealogy

 • 2nd Samuel 7:12-16


Christian Hope

Jesus – 1 Timothy 1:1

Sanctification – 1 John 3:2-3

Redemption and resurrection – Romans 8:23-25

Eternal life – Titus 3:5-7

CG Questions

Did your understanding of hope change after seeing what the scriptures say?

What are you hoping for this advent season? Is it biblical hope?

Other than David and Abraham, what biblical characters demonstrate hope in their lives?

If needed, how can you reorient your focus and hope onto Jesus? Is there something practical you need to change?

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