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Notes + Questions: The King of Peace

Dec 18, 2022    Pastor Adam Christiansen



Isaiah 9:2


The First Temple Period (970BC – 586BC)

• 957 BC Solomon completes and dedicates the temple (1 Kings 8)

• 740 BC Assyrian Captivity - Tiglath-pileser king of Assyria (1 Chronicles 5:26)

• 722 BC Samaria was conquered by Shalmaneser V (2 Kings 17:5-6)

• 701 BC Sennacherib marches south to take Jerusalem but the Lord intervened (2 Chronicles 32:22), the temple is stripped

• 607 BC Babylonian Captivity - Nebuchadnezzar, 20 years of battles and final siege that would destroy the temple and leave Jerusalem in ruins


The Second Temple Period (516BC-70AD)

• Alexander's conquest of the Mediterranean world brought an end to Persian control of Jerusalem (539–334/333 BCE) and ushered in the Hellenistic period. 

• 323 BC Alexander dies - Ptolemy & Seleucid

• Between the 4th and 1st centuries BC you have fighting between Ptolemic and Seleucid Empires

• 247 BC Parthian Empire is established to the east, they battle the Seleucids for control of the area of • Israel, Judah, Palestine and Syria

• 200 BC the Ptolemic army was defeated by Seleucid army and the Seleucids took control of Jerusalem and the Temple,

• 168 BC Antiochus Epiphanes

• 167 BC Maccabean revolt

• 141 BC Simon Thassi establishes Hasmonean dynasty

• 63 BC Pompey the Great lays siege to Jerusalem, becomes a client kingdom of the Roman Republic.

• 40 BC Parthians gain control of Levant (Judah), counterattack led by Mark Anthony (Romans)

• 37 BC Herod the Great is installed as a leader by Mark Anthony


A land of fighting, and darkness; anything BUT peace.


Isaiah 9:1-7




Matthew 2:1-2 – The Wise Men and the Star

• Daniel 9:24-27

• Numbers 24:17


Matthew 2:3-4

• Herod and all of Jerusalem are troubled


Matthew 2:5-6

• Micah 5:2


Matthew 2:7-8

• Herod’s true intentions revealed (v. 16)


Matthew 2:9-11

• The star reappears

• They enter the house and worship




1. Jesus was born so we might be born again

2. Jesus lived so that we might have eternal life

3. Jesus died so that we might die to sin

4. Jesus rose so that we might have peace with God


Colossians 1:19-20


Romans 5:1-2


Ephesians 14-17



1. We can have eternal peace with God

2. Jesus’ presence offers daily peace with God

3. Jesus himself is our complete peace (shalom)

CG Questions:

What common misconceptions exist about the wise men? Did you learn anything new about them?Read through Isaiah 9:1-7. What were the promises in this prophecy? What promises have we seen fulfilled?How does Jesus provide peace between you and God?How does Jesus bring peace through his presence?Discuss your favorite moments of this Advent season with one another.
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