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Notes + Questions: Covenant: The Book of Joshua

Sep 3, 2023    Pastor Emerson Fulton

Introduction: The importance of choosing the Lord

Eric Liddel

Martin Luther



Genesis 3:15 – The Promise

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses and now Joshua


The Book of Joshua

First book after the Pentateuch

Genre – historical

Author – Joshua

Setting – Israel’s conquest of the promise land

4 sections

Chapters 1-5: Crossing into the land

Chapters 6-12: Taking the land

Chapters 13-21: Dividing the land

Chapters 22-24: Serving the Lord in the land


Crossing into the land

Who is Joshua

The call to know and obey the scriptures – Joshua 1:7-9

The commander of the Lord’s army – Joshua 5:13-15


Taking the land

The land promised is taken – Exodus 6:3-4

The Lord fights for Israel – Joshua 10:8-14

Does God command genocide?

God has absolute rights of ownership over all people and places

God is holy, just and righteous

All deserve God’s justice, not mercy

The Canaanites were enemies of God

God’s actions were not genocide

A picture of future judgement

The battle of sin in our own lives


Dividing the land

The fulfillment of the covenant promise – Joshua 21:43-45

There is an eternal rest to come – Hebrews 4:8


Serving the Lord in the land

The choice for the people – Joshua 24:14-15

What will we choose?

CG Questions

1. God didn’t give Joshua specific military commands but instead called Joshua to be strong and courageous and trust in God and his word. How can you relate to that idea in your context?

2. How has your time in the word been going lately?

3. What do we learn about God’s character from His command to destroy the canaanites?

4. What do you do with texts that are hard to reconcile with one another? (For example, Gods command to kill the canaanites and verses about how God is loving and merciful)

5. Are you fighting sin in your life with the same vigor as Joshua was fighting the canaanites?

6. Do you have someone to whom you can be confessing sin?

7. What is helpful for you when you are reading chapters of scripture that seem boring? (For example, Joshua 15 and the long descriptions of the land divisions)

8. Do you feel like your “soul is at rest in the greater Joshua?” How can we balance fighting sin and resting in Christ?

9. This week, set aside some time remembering the times that the Lord has rescued you and shown you kindness and mercy

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