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Notes + Questions: Prepare the Way of the King

Sep 18, 2022    Pastor Matthias Haeusel


The Gospel according to Matthew presents the Good News of the King and His Kingdom.
Jesus is the merciful King, who has come to call sinners.

Matthew 9:12-13

John the Baptizer:
Matthew 3:1-12

“a good man, who bade the Jews practice virtue, be just toward one another, pious toward God, and come together by means of baptism.” ~ Josephus

Foretold by Prophets:
• Matthew 3:3
• Mark 1:2-3
• Isaiah 40:3ff
• Malachi 3:1; 4:5

A miraculous Birth:
• Luke 1:5-25
• Luke 1:57-80

An Offensive Message:
• Mark 1:4 - Repent
• Luke 3:7-9 - so what you are sons of Abraham
• Matthew 3:7-12 - brood of vipers; axe laid to the root, chaff burned with fire

• Understanding - Acknowledge your sin.
• Feeling - Pain, sorrow and grief over your sin against God and people.
• Will - actively turn away from your sin. 180-degree turn and purposefully taking steps to abandon sin.

An Offensive Method:
• Various Jewish washings (Mikveh) and ceremonial cleansing prescribed in Leviticus etc.
• This Baptism was not the self-administered ceremonial purification rituals, but a unique one-time act akin to the Proselyte Baptism for Gentiles.

An Announcement of Judgement:
• verse 7: the wrath to come
• verse 10: axe laid to the roots
• verse 11: baptism with fire = judgment
• verse 12: burning the chaff with unquenchable fire

The Baptism of Jesus:
Matthew 3:13-17

Why was Jesus baptized?

Suggestions posited:
• To inaugurate his ministry?
• To give divine approval to John’s ministry?
• To receive a special anointing with the Spirit?
• To show Gentiles could be saved?
• As part of his bearing the sins of the world?

We must bear in mind that John’s baptism was a baptism of repentance:
• Jesus was sinless - Hebrews 4:15 & 2 Corinthians 5:21

Jesus' statement: to fulfill all righteousness (v.15)
• to indicate the need of humility to repent and receive forgiveness
• to set forth his baptism as an example for his followers
• to manifest his identification with sinful humanity, whose sins he would take on himself on the cross.

Heaven’s Approval:
• Spirit of God descended like a dove (v.16)
• Voice from Heaven: this is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased. (v.17)

What does this mean for us?

• for your religion - Pharisees
• for your irreligion - tax collectors
• for your self-will
• for your pride
• for your rebellion

Be Baptized:
• If you have never been baptized as a believer, we would love to help you take this first step of obedience as a believer

CG Questions

1. Define Repentance.
2. Discuss the three aspects of Repentance mentioned in the sermon:
mind - acknowledge your sin
Emotion - grieve your sin
Will - take active steps to forsake your sin
3. Do you see a connection between true repentance and mercy? How do the two work together? (Consider Luke 18:9-14)
4. Is there anything that especially stands out about the account of Jesus’ Baptism?
5. Are there any specific steps of obedience you need to take? Share them with another person and have them pray for you.

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