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A Gift of Sabbath

Jul 7, 2019    Pastor Perry Burkholder

####CG Questions - Ears to Hear
**Week 1**


- What brings you rest and delight?
- When you think of Sabbath, what comes to mind?
- How often do you take a snow day (Sabbath)?
- What would it look like to take a weekly STOP day (Sabbath)? What fears do you have in regards to taking a STOP day?
- What does it mean to ***remember*** on Sabbath?
- Do you believe that the Sabbath is a gift? Does your life reflect your answer?
- Would you be willing to take a weekly Sabbath for the next 5 weeks and then evaluate your experience?
- Write out a plan of what your sabbath will look like. Share this with your community group and tell them what you noticed.

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