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Others - Love Thy Neighbor

Jul 14, 2019    Pastor Aaron Young

####CG Questions - Ears to Hear
**Week 2**


- Being that we are in a very large city with lots of people in it, what do you think of when you think about the people here?
- How could one's lack of "loving others" be an indicator of insufficient JOY in God's grace?
- Imagine yourself in the place of the beaten man on the road to Jericho. How does that perspective change the way you think about when Jesus talks about being a neighbor?
- Have you been ignored like that before?
- How is Jesus the hero in our ability to love people around us?
- What do you think it means to love your neighbor as yourself? If you had to rate yourself in this love from 1-9 where would you land? What would it take to move that number up?
- If there is someone that God has placed in your life to love that you are having trouble loving, what does trusting God look like in the relationship to love like Jesus?
- Would you be willing to ask God in prayer to give you eyes this week to see people the way Jesus sees people? Pray that you would respond to them the way Jesus did. Report back to your group how this went the following week.

- Luke 10:25-37
- Romans 6:23
- Romans 3:23
- Romans 10:9-10
- John 3:16-17
- Matthew 28:18-20


"Love is the overflow of joy in God's grace that meets the needs of others" - John Piper.

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