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CG Questions: Daniel - God is in Control

Nov 12, 2023    Pastor Emerson Fulton

Have you ever encountered someone, that you only met once, or a very small number of times, that had a profound affect on your faith? What was that experience like?

By definition, does being a Christian mean that you believe in the Supernatural? What are the implications of that in your life?

Do you find yourself wanting/needing more peace, strength or courage? Where do you go to find it?  

If you needed to seek some assurance of your faith, where would you turn?

If prophecy highlights the “sovereignty” (that He is in full control) of God, why does prophecy often take so long to fulfill? Is there bearing of fruit that occurs during the waiting?

What does the rise and fall of Kingdoms/Empires in this section of Daniel teach us about humanity?  Is humanity today different than during the the time of Daniel?

Do you rejoice in suffering? All kidding aside, do you examine the sufferings of your life to look for what God is doing? Or to see where He is trying to lead you? 

When you hear/read the term Anti-Christ, what comes to your mind?  Why does God allow for such a figure to exist?

Who is God calling you to share the Good News with?

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