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Notes + Questions: The King's Prayer

Nov 20, 2022    Pastor Matthias Haeusel


One of the great questions theologians have wrestled with over the centuries is this:


Because of Jesus, we have permanent direct access to the Father!

Prayer is one of the greatest privileges for the Christian!

Old Testament Verses on Prayer:

• Psalm 50:15

• Psalm 91:15

• Psalm 145:18

• Psalm 18:6

How NOT to Pray: 

Matthew 6:5-8

• don’t be like the hypocrites (v.5)

• don’t heap up empty phrases like the Gentiles (v.7)

• don’t approach God as though He were a reluctant deity (v.8)

How Jesus Prayed: 

A Pattern for Prayer - compare Luke 11:1-4

For God’s Glory

• Hallowed be Your Name

• Your Kingdom come

• Your Will be done

For our Good

• Give us our daily bread

• Forgive us our sins

• Deliver us from evil

Attitudes for Prayer: 

• Confidence - the Father knows what you need

• Love - pray “our Father”

• Reverence - hallowed be your Name

• Hope - Your kingdom come

• Submission - Your will be done

• Expectant - on Earth as it is in Heaven

• Dependence - give us our daily bread

• Repentance - forgive us our sins

• Gracious - as we forgive those who have sinned against us

• Watchful - and lead us not into temptation

• Victorious - but deliver us from evil

When Prayer Gets Weird: 

When does your communication with your closest friend, parents, or spouse get weird?

1. Something is hindering the relationship

2. You are not being honest

3. You are trying to get something 

4. You are unwilling to be vulnerable

5. You have not talked in a long time


Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name.

Your kingdom come,

Your will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our debts,

as we also have forgiven our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory, Forever. Amen.


How do you pray most often?

How has your way of praying been shaped throughout your life?

What are a few practical ways that have helped you pray more freely and more often?

What will you do this week to grow in the area of Prayer?

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