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Notes + Questions: Divorce & Remarriage

Oct 30, 2022    Pastor Matthias Haeusel


Hosea & Gomer
(See Hosea chapters 1-3)

God is faithful when we are faithless. God loves us, blesses us, and pursues us even when we are running away. He purchases on the slave market of sin.


Divorce has touched everyone in some way. The pain is immense, the scars are lasting and the associated trauma affects us more than we realize.

There is Grace!
Grace for the person hurting and Grace for the sinner!

In our society, just as during the time of Jesus, Divorce is easy and it is common. But what does the Bible say about it?

Jewish Teaching on Divorce:

Genesis 2:24 - One Flesh
Deuteronomy 24:1 - Certificate of Divorce

Rabbi Shammai - Divorce in case of “indecency"
Rabbi Hillil - Divorce for any reason

Jesus’ Teaching:
• Matthew 19:3-9
• Matthew 5:31-32
• Mark 10:1-2
• Luke 16:18

Paul’s Teaching:
1 Corinthians 7:10-11; 15 - Abandonment by an unbeliever


Covenant -vs- Contract
• Genesis 2:24 - Permanent Oneness
• Genesis 2:18 - Companionship & Help
• Genesis 1:28 - Procreation
• Ephesus 5:22-23 - Marriage as a representation of Christ and the Church

Ending a Marriage:
1. Death - Romans 7:2-4; 1 Corinthians 7:39
2. Adultery - Deuteronomy 22:22
3. Abandonment - 1 Corinthians 7:10-24
4. Sexual Immorality - Matthew 5:31-32; 19:9
5. Other Reasons? - Some add Treachery, Treasonous Betrayal (such as abuse and other covenant unfaithfulness)

Our Position:
• Marriage is from God as a life-long covenant between a man and a woman.
• Divorce and Remarriage are permissible in certain circumstances.
• We always first advocate for repentance, reconciliation and restoration.

Now What?
• Repent - there is Grace for you!
• Pray - there is healing for you!
• Believe - there is no condemnation for you (Romans 8:1)
• Hope - there is a future for you (you are a new creation… 2 Corinthians 5:17)


[CG - Leaders: Please prayerfully prepare for this sensitive subject. Leaders and pastors are available to walk with people who need to meet/pray with someone.]

1. Talk about the Covenant Faithfulness of God - how is God faithful to us? How have you experienced God pursuing you even when you have run from Him?
2. In what specific ways is the Grace of God sufficient for the sinner/sufferer?
3. Has divorce affected your life? In what way? How can we pray for you?

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