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A Story of Redemption

Apr 14, 2019    Pastor Matthias Haeusel

####CG Questions - Ruth
**Week 4 - Chapter 4**


Read Ruth in its entirety together.

- Have you ever grown tired of praying for something and turned to scheming to make something happen? How did it turn out for you?

- Is there a theme of redemption through the book of Ruth that jumps out to you?

- In the arc of the story, where or with whom do you currently best relate? Think about the various facets of your life and how each may be at a different point and trajectory.​ Where are you in this story?

- Do you see the goodness of God?

- Are you doubting? (1:1)

- Are you suffering? (1:5)

- Are you praying through tears? (1:8)

- Are you bitter? (1:20)

- Are you hopeful? (2:20)

- Are you scheming? (3:1-3)

- Are you full and blessed? (4:15-17)

- As with the other potential redeemer in the story, how have you been so concerned with your name, legacy, and power instead of the laws and principles of God?

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