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CG Questions: What Defiles a Person

Feb 25, 2024    Pastor Adam Christiansen

1. Do you agree that we are fundamentally bad people?

2. Have you added your own rules and commandments on top of what God has commanded? How can you tell the difference between your own law and God’s law?

3. Can you think of a time when God used pressure, stress, or hardship to reveal the depth of your sin to you?

4. Take some time to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you areas of your life where you need to be transformed or renewed. 

5. Are you in a time where you need to pray “Lord, help me” like the Canaanite woman?

6. Of the three scenes in the text, which one do you identify with most? The Pharisees seeking self-righteousness, the disciples seeking greater understanding, or the Canaanite woman seeking God’s grace?

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