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Where Do You Sit?

Jul 21, 2019    Crockett Davidson

####CG Questions - Ears to Hear
**Week 3**


- Was there anything you heard God say to you in this week's sermon?
- Are there areas in your life where you are compromising? If so what are they? What would it look like to let Jesus take those areas?
- When you talk about your faith do you talk more about the past and what you used to do or do you talk more about the current opportunities where you can serve Jesus?
- If you are sitting in a place of compromise how does being religious change into a real and deep relationship with the Father? Where in the Bible have we seen Jesus address this with people in the same place in their lives?
- Describe a time when you were sitting in a place of Compromise and then moved to a Committed place in your relationship with Jesus? What changed in your life that moved you there?
- If you're honest, would you say that God is first in your life or does he move back and forth from first to second? Where in your life do you struggle with this most?
- When you are confronted with God's Word in your life, how do you respond to it? How does this help identify areas of comfort or rebellion you are sitting in currently?

- Joshua 24:14-15
- Judges 2:6-7

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