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Notes + Questions: Strategy: IV MARKS

Jan 22, 2023    Pastor Matthias Haeusel, Kirk Willms

The Reveal Study: Stages of Development

Exploring - not yet Christian but interested.

Growing - new Christian beginning to grow in faith

Close to Christ - faith is taken personally and practiced consistently

Centered in Christ - life is characterized by Christ-like sacrifice

If you do not disciple a person who professes Christ, he will almost always become:

Lukewarm in Faith

Worldly in Behavior

Hypocritical in Witness

Synchronistic in thinking and lifestyle

-Patrick Morley from The Man in the Mirror

IV Marks of a Fully Devoted Follower of Jesus

- Believing in the power of the Gospel

- Belonging to the community and body of believers

- Becoming more like Christ every day

- Building the Kingdom of God through relationships

CG Questions

What do you believe about the Gospel that is powerful in your life right now? 

What causes/missions/purpose do you feel you currently belong to?

What in your life is influencing who you are becoming?  

What relationships are you building into the Kingdom of God?

How might the IV Marks workbook tool be useful for you?

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