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Notes + Questions: Do Not Be Anxious

Feb 12, 2023    Pastor Matthias Haeusel



• Give way to anxiety or unease; allow one's mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles. 

• A state of anxiety and uncertainty over actual or potential problems.


- Worry

- Be Anxious

- To Fret

- Be concerned

- To overthink

- To torment oneself

- To agonize

- To stew

- To panic

- To lose sleep

Anxiety - Real and Imagined: 

• Anxious over something real.

• Anxious over something potential.

• Anxious without obvious or apparent reason.

Where does our Fear come from? 

Failure to trust God:

• Trusting His Omniscience!

• Trusting His Omnipotence!

• Trusting His Love!

“Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God.”

Psalm 43:5 ESV

Jesus' most frequent Command: 

Fear Not! 

Matthew 6:25-34: 

Command 1 - Do not worry (v25a)

- Reason 1 - life is more than food and clothing (v25b)

- Reason 2 - God cares for the birds… You are more precious to Him than those. (v26)

- Reason 3 - worry changes nothing (v27)

- Reason 4 - God cares for lower creation, the lilies of the field. You are more precious to your Heavenly Father (v28-30)

Command 2 - Do Not worry about what you will eat, drink, and wear. (v31)

- Reason 5 - The pagans chase these things bc they do not know your good Heavenly Father who knows your needs (v32)

Command 3 - Seek first the kingdom of God (v33a)

- Reason 6 - All the things the Gentiles chase will be given to you (v33b-34)

Command 4 - Therefore do not worry. (v34)

How do we combat Anxiety: 

1. Are you in the Word?

- Psalm 119:105 + 114

2. Are you in Prayer?

- Philippians 4:6-8

- 1 Peter 5:7

3. Are you in Community?

- Galatians 6:2

4. Are you living in Gratitude?

- Philippians 4:6

CG Questions:

1. Read Matthew 6:25-34

2. Discuss any takeaways from the sermon.

3. Do or have you struggled with anxiety? What does that look like?

4. What have you learned about dealing with your anxiety? 

5. Talk about the 4 suggestions for battling anxiety. How could these help you with your struggles?

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