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CG Questions: Daniel - Trust the God Who Holds the Future

Oct 29, 2023    Pastor Matthias Haeusel

1. What social media posts/friends/influencers do you follow that don’t help you to be more holy or righteous? What motivates or tempts you to follow those?

2. Have you ever had a vision or dream that you thought to be from God, or heard God’s voice? How did it make you feel? Did your feelings affect how you interpreted that experience?

3. What about understanding, or realizing, God’s truth/message is so overwhelming and possibly fear-inducing?

4. Is there a demonic presence among the evil leaders and tyrants of the world? If yes, why would the devil limit the demonic activities to just leaders? Where do you see the demonic presence in your daily life?

5. Is it God who causes afflictions/stench/death; or is it sin itself? If we are totally honest, how does our sin, especially hidden or unrepentant sin, afflict us?

6. Where in your life does your lack of trust in God’s control or providence show up? Does your worry for tomorrow/the future, prevent you from experiencing the joy of today?

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