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CG Questions: Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit

Jan 28, 2024    Pastor Adam Christiansen

CG Questions:

1. Have you ever had doubts, anxiety, struggles, etc. based on this topic of committing blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, the unforgivable sin?

2. When you come across a verse or passage that you do not understand or that seems to contradict other parts of the Bible, what do you do? How do you handle those difficult passages?

3. When accused of demonic power, Jesus points to his Holy Spirit-empowered work against the work of the enemy. How has Jesus worked in your own life? Reflect on how God has saved you, rescued you, healed you, sanctified you, etc.

4. What is the relationship between blasphemy and apostasy? How are those two actions similar? How are they different?

5. Take some time as a group to list out and pray for people you know who have not trusted in Christ as their Savior. How can you start a conversation with them about the hope and forgiveness that we have?

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