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CG Questions: Daniel - Ancient of Days

Oct 22, 2023    Pastor Matthias Haeusel


1. For the second half of the book of Daniel, we shift from narrative to apocalyptic or prophetic literature. How should we approach these two types of literature differently?

2. In his sermon, Matthias said that many conservative scholars correlate each beast in Daniel’s vision to specific kingdoms throughout history (see the sermon notes for which beast represents which country). Do you agree with this interpretation? Why or why not?

3. Many critics claim that the book of Daniel could not possibly have been written when it claims to have been written because the prophecies throughout the book are so accurate to history. How would you respond to this?

4. Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in chapter 2 is a view from Man’s perspective while Daniel’s vision in chapter 7 is the same from God’s perspective. Compare and contrast these two views.

5. Jesus used the name “Son of Man” for himself more than any other. Why is that significant? What do we learn about that term from Daniel 7?

6. What other titles are given to Jesus? How do they impact your understanding of who Jesus is?

7. How can we as believers be comforted and/or encouraged by this text?

8. As a group, discuss what other points of application you can draw from this text.

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