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Notes + Questions: Jesus Changes Suffering

May 1, 2022    Pastor Adam Christiansen

Introduction: Peter’s Denial of Jesus
Matthew 26:69-75

v. 12 – Don’t be surprised!

Fiery trials are to test your faith (see 1:6 – to test the genuineness of your faith)

Three Types of Suffering:
1. Deserved (the consequence of sinful actions)
2. Innocent (the brokenness of this world)
3. Righteous (suffering for righteous actions)

Righteous suffering is when you suffer for doing good. Specifically, it is when you suffer for Jesus’s name, identifying as a Christian. This is called persecution.

v. 13 – Rejoice as you share in the Christ’s suffering

Identifying with Christ

Sharing in Christ’s suffering produces blessing
Matthew 5:10-11

Suffering for Christ’s name is promised:
1 John 3:13
2 Timothy 3:12

v. 14 – God’s Spirit and glory will rest upon you

God’s Spirit brings supernatural relief when you incur righteous suffering
Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)
God’s Power is made Perfect in Weakness (2 Cor 12:9-10)

v. 15 - But do not suffer as a murderer…
Contrast between suffering as a consequence of sin and suffering in the conviction of confession

v. 16 – Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian…

Courage, not cowardice
Conviction, not comfort
Perseverance, not preservation

v. 19 – Entrust your soul to the faithful Creator!

Continuing to do good while suffering is evidence of your trust in God.

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