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CG Questions: Don’t Be A Stumbling Block Part 1

Sep 20, 2020    Pastor Simon Price

**Community Group Questions:**
- What does it mean to cause someone else to “stumble”?
- Good question to ask yourself: Are you so adamant about a position that someone else holds (that is not sin) that you yourself are willing to go towards bitterness and anger? In other words, does your response lead you to sin?
- How can you tell the difference between legalism, an honest issue of the conscience that should be honored, and an actual sin issue?
- This passage calls us to no longer pass judgment on one another and to "pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding." Where is God convicting you or calling out to you to live more in this way?
- Where is God calling you to patiently and graciously walk with someone that you disagree with? Are you willing to allow others to keep you accountable?
- If ‘bear’ means to ‘lift up’…how can we encourage those around us and lift them up? (Especially consider those that you may disagree with on preferences and opinions).
- Think and pray over some of the disagreements you may have with other Christians over various issues. How do you need to repent of being judgmental or causing your fellow Christians to stumble?

•Romans 14:13-15-3
•Matthew 18:5-6
•Philippians 2:3-8

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