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Seasoned with Salt

Nov 25, 2018    Pastor Simon Price

In our 12th week in the series of Colossians, Pastor Simon preaches through Colossians 4:2-6 focusing on being "Seasoned with Salt."


What is the evidence you are presenting of the Gospel of Jesus in how you live your life?
How are you approaching the use of time with wisdom? Where are times when you’re unwise? What change should you create?
How would you critique your ‘use of salt’ in the relationships that have been gifted to you? What encouragement could you offer to one another in community?
What would you do with your time/talents/treasure if you had more time?
What aspects of being a Christian are difficult for you right now? (Have you ever been ashamed of who you are? Have you struggled to talk about Jesus?)
How would you categorize your typical prayer? Complaint? Gratitude? Requests?
What “open doors” are you praying that God would open?
Are your words gracious?


Colossians 4:2-6, Colossians 1:27, Romans 12:2, Matthew 5:13-16


“It is the prayerless church that the enemy can best do his work of disruption” ~RC. Lucas

“One thing you're going to learn in combat, which is ironic, you learn a lot about Love. When you're willing to put yourself in front of the bullet, in front of that suicide bomber, in front of that mortar, in front of anything that is gonna pretty much kill you, for your men, That is Love. He is one of the few that has really, truly showcased his love for his brother” ~Florent Groberg

“Preach the Gospel at all times. Use words if necessary.” By the way, he never said this and his writings do not reflect this at all. ~Not Saint Francis of Assisi

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