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Notes + Questions: The Motive and Means of the Kingdom

May 21, 2023    Pastor Emerson Fulton

Main Point 

• The motive and means of the Kingdom 


The Gospel of the Kingdom

Jesus’ Ministry

• Teaching

• Proclaiming/Preaching

• Healing

What is the gospel of the Kingdom?

Kingdom – the realm in which a sovereign king rules

• References to the kingdom: Matthew 3:2, Matthew 4:17, Daniel 7:13-14

Gospel of the Kingdom: the gospel of the Kingdom is the good-news message of repentance and redemption from King Jesus

• Repentance: this is good news (Romans 2:4)

• Redemption: physical and spiritual

• From King Jesus: entrance into the kingdom is from King Jesus

The gospel of the Kingdom and the rest of the New Testament preach the same gospel



The motive is the compassion of Jesus

Jesus shows his compassion by being the Good Shepherd

• Ezekiel 34:1-10

• Micah 3:2-3

• Micah 5:1-5

Do you know the Good Shepherd?

• For the first time

• Intellectually but not intimately




• Definition: offering up our desires to God

• Jesus teaches on prayer in Matthew 6 & 7


• The prayer is for more laborers

• God is a God of means



• Pray

• Be a laborer for the Kingdom (Where does God have you in service to the Kingdom?)

• Trust the Good Shepherd


Community Group Questions

• What is the biggest reason you struggle to pray more?

• What does it mean that Jesus is the Good Shepherd? Do you believe this intellectually and intimately.?

• What would it look like for the Kingdom of God to be seen in your day-to-day life?

• Where does God have you serving the advancement of the Kingdom?

• What is one practical step you can take this week to further the Kingdom?

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