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Notes + Questions: Christ's Triumph

Apr 3, 2022    Pastor Chris Tomes

#Community Questions

Have you ever experienced unjust suffering? How did you respond?
Have you ever noticed yourself operating under a “works-based” theology? How did you realize it?
What has been your understanding of baptism in the past? After this message, has your view changed at all?
If someone who isn’t following Jesus asked you why you were baptized, how would you respond?
If you are following Jesus and have not been baptized, why not?

#Sermon Notes

Main Idea: Christ’s triumph over sin and death allows us to endure suffering, give a defense for our hope, and publicly proclaim the gospel to the world.

• suffered once for sins
• the righteous for the unrighteous
• bring us to God
• died a physical death to bring about spiritual life

• Jesus proclaimed his triumph over sin & death to rebellious spirits (fallen angels)
• does not support Universalism
• Noah’s story shows us there is a judgment for sin, but God provides an ark (salvation)
• God has saved you for a purpose - for his glory and to share the Gospel with the world

vv. 21-22
• 3 options:
• Baptismal regeneration - false
• Water baptism merely a symbol in this passage - less likely
• Baptism into body of Christ - most likely

Believers Baptism: when you have personally placed your trust in Jesus, the next step of obedience is baptism.
• Public declaration of faith
• Outward expression of an inward reality
• Act of spiritual warfare: proclaim Christ’s triumph to disobedient spirits

Next Steps
• If you are following Jesus and have not been baptized, take that step.
• If you are following Jesus, have been baptized, are there any other areas of your life (legalism, works-based righteousness, hard-heartedness) that needs to be repented of?
• If you are not following Jesus, we encourage you to take the next step in placing your faith in Him or talking with someone who can help answer your questions.

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