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Fully Devoted

At Cross+Crown we define a Disciple as…

A Fully Devoted Follower of Jesus.

A Disciple is not something that you become after completing a task or achieve by participating in a program. It is devoting your life fully to following the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A fully devoted follower of Jesus is evidenced by the IV MARKS.

Cross+Crown campuses work to offer opportunities for each mark to increase in the life of a disciple. Programs, classes, events and resources are designed to encourage individuals to not only develop in one area, but to equip, encourage and empower believers to live as fully devoted followers of Jesus. The IV MARKS are most easily understood as “ingredients” of spiritual maturity which become “active ingredients” when all four are engaged. 

Discipleship is not a destination, it is a journey.

We believe there is not one discipleship path that works for everyone. You have been uniquely created for good works. Therefore, each “mark” holds constant opportunities to grow on your journey. 

There is a danger in assuming that any of the marks are simply a box to check and set aside for “bigger or better” things. A “Fully Devoted Follower of Jesus” does not rely on the knowledge and skills of yesterday to fight the battles of today. 

The journey is constant and so we must set our eyes on the one who gives us purpose, surround ourselves with the people who will push us in the direction we desire to go, and keep perspective when the journey gets difficult. You are not alone! 

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