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A Story of Redemption

Mar 24, 2019    Pastor Matthias Haeusel

####CG Questions - Ruth
**Week 1 - Chapter 1**


- Would you consider reading the book of Ruth once a week until the end of the series? During that time, pray that God would speak to you through this story and what he wants you to learn and apply in your life.

- How has prosperity (things going well) affected your relationship with and trust in God?

- How does suffering develop character? Why does God choose to allow this to become the process to grow men and women?

- In what we know of the story of Ruth so far, how can we say that God is good and sovereign even though so many terrible things have happened?

- How has suffering affected your relationship with and trust in God?

- Is there a place in your life that’s you need to return to God like Naomi? If so share that with your group so they can encourage you and pray for you.

- How do you deal with God’s sovereignty in difficult circumstances?

- How do you see God’s goodness and kindness and mercy under challenging circumstances?


- Ruth 1:1-22
- Romans 15:4
- Judges 21:25
- Judges 2:11-14
- Leviticus 26:3-4
- Leviticus 26:1-16


REDEMPTION: "The essence of redemption is reversal—the reversal of a bad situation, at the expense of a redeemer.”

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