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Notes + Questions: Good Gifts Guaranteed

Feb 26, 2023    Pastor Emerson Fulton

Sermon title: Good Gifts Guaranteed

Passage: Matthew 7:7-11



•These verses contain two things:

oAn amazing promise

oPotentially dangerous pitfalls



•Definition of prayer: Offering up our desires to God (Westminster Shorter Catechism)

•Understanding our need

oStep 1: Our basic needs

oStep 2: Our spiritual need


oMartin Luther: “knows we are timid and shy, that we feel unworthy … to present our needs to God.… We think that God is so great and we are so tiny that we do not dare to pray.… That is why Christ wants to … remove our doubts, and to have us go ahead confidently and boldly.”

•Exhortation: Come to the Lord in prayer



•Repetition: Jesus gives us 3 similar commands

•Greek language: present active imperative

oNLT: Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.

•Luke 18:1-5

•Exhortation: Don’t lose heart



•Details of the promise

oFor everyone

oAsk – Receive

oSeek – Find

oKnock - Open

•Lesser to greater argument

oLesser – If you then who are evil know how to give good gifts

oGreater – how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts

•Goodness of God

oOmnibenevolence – God is all-good

o1st Chronicles 16:34

oPsalm 100:5

•Exhortation: God is good!





•#1 – Why pray?



oChange in us

oGod uses prayer

•#2 – A superficial understanding

oWhat does Jesus promise? – good gifts!

oGood gifts


His Kingdom come

Spiritual gifts

Unity of the church

•#3 – Unanswered prayer

oMartin Lloyd Jones: “We are the children of a Father who not only loves us but looks upon us and keeps his eye upon us. He will never give us anything evil. But beyond all, he will never lead us astray. He will never make a mistake in what he gives us. He knows everything; his knowledge is absolute. If we but knew we were in the hands of such a Father, our outlook upon the future would be entirely transformed.”








Community Group Questions

•How would you define prayer in your own words?

•Are there other passages in scripture that help us understand the meaning and reason for prayer? Brainstorm and discuss as a group.

•As a group, recount the answered prayers you have experienced either individually or as a group.

•In this passage, there are potential pitfalls. Is there one in particular that you struggle with?

•What practically can you implement to grow or benefit your prayer life?

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