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I am the Resurrection and the Life

Dec 16, 2018    Pastor Matthias Haeusel

Pastor Matthias Haeusel continues the Advent Season with a focus on John 11.

CG Questions: Advent
I am the Resurrection and the Life - Week 3:


Read through the story of Lazarus as a group in John 11. What stands out to you from this account? What can we learn about Jesus from this account?

What points in this account do we see Jesus’ humanity? Why is that important to us as Christians?

Why do you think that Jesus waited four days to raise Lazarus from the dead?

Are there sins that you are still bound to as a Christian, if so what are they and why are you holding on to them?

John 11:1-6 & 17-27, John 20:20-31, John 10:25, 37-38, John 14:11, John 5:36, John 15:13, John 11:21-48

“Trials afford God a platform for his work in our lives. Without them I would never know how kind, how powerful, how gracious he is.” ~ Hudson Taylor

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