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I am the Way, the Truth, & the Life

Dec 9, 2018    Pastor Matthias Haeusel    John 14:6

In our second week of Advent, Pastor Matthias teaches on John 14 on Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman at the well and our encounter with Jesus.

CG Questions: Advent
I Am The Way, The Truth & The Life - Week 2:


-Of the two people we studied on Sunday, Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman, which one do you relate with and why?

-Samar felt unworthy because of her sin. Do you ever feel like Samar? Do you ever feel that your sin keeps you from Jesus?

-Nicodemus knew it all but still couldn't see Jesus, the savior. Are there places in your life where this is true for you? (this is a good time to have a spouse or friend speak into your life)

-The Pharisees not only maintained the Mosaic law but even added their own. Have you ever added to God's law? Have you ever expected more from someone than God?

-How is the encounter with the woman at the well different than Nicodemus? How are they alike?

-How does the Gospel speak to both of these lives? Where can we take encouragement for it?

-What is significant about how Jesus interacts with these two people? How does Jesus treat them?

-What does Jesus mean when he calls the two to believe?

-As Christians, what can we celebrate as we read these passages?

John 14:6, John 20:30-31, John 3:12-15, John 4:21; 39-42, John 3:16-18

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