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CG Questions: Wisdom from Above

Sep 15, 2024    Pastor Adam Christiansen

Review the questions below and utilize the ones that best fit your group.

1. How would you define earthly wisdom? What about Godly wisdom?

2. What does your current pursuit of wisdom look like? What would you like it to look like?

3. Think about some of the doubts you have had. Where do you think those doubts come from?

4. James 3 gives us a picture of what it looks like when we are relying on worldly wisdom vs Godly wisdom. Do any of those attributes stand out to you? What does it look like for you when you are relying on worldly wisdom or Godly wisdom?

5. Read 1 Corinthians 1:18-31. What does it mean that Jesus is the “wisdom of God”? How does this passage shape your understanding of wisdom?

6. How can you help one another follow through on the Six-Step Wisdom Process?

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