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Mar 17, 2019    Pastor Matthias Haeusel

In our fourth and final week in Biblical Relationships, Pastor Matthias closes out our series with a sermon on Friendship.

CG Questions: Biblical Relationships

Week 4 - Friendships


Who was/is one of your closest friends? What makes that friendship so special? 

Why do you think loneliness is so prevalent in our culture today?

What makes a great friend? What makes a bad friend?

In your life, what are the greatest barriers to deep friendships?

In light of the biblical perspective on friendship, how do we differentiate between close friends and others? Is anything different?

In what ways can you be a better friend to those around you? Do you reflect the kind of friend that you desire in your own life? Can you give some examples?

Is there forgiveness you need to extend to a friend or forgiveness you need to ask for from a friend? If so, what is holding you back?

How have sin and brokenness caused damage to friendships in your life? Has this kept you from being willing to make new friends? If so, is this a problem?


John 15:12-17, Proverbs 17:17, Proverbs18:24, Proverbs 25:17, Proverbs 25:20, Proverbs 27:14, Proverbs 27:5-6, Proverbs 27:17

Notes, Quotes, and Slides:

“Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival.” - C.S. Lewis

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