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Mar 3, 2019    Pastor Adam Christiansen

Pastor Adam Christiansen continues our 4-week series on Biblical Relationships with a sermon on Marriage.

CG Questions: Week 2

Biblical Relationships - Marriage


-Growing up, what kind of marriage(s) did you observe? How do you think that has impacted you and how you think about Biblical Marriage because of what was modeled to you?

-If the purpose of marriage is to show the world what God is like, what should you and the world be observing about God in the marriages around you?

-Why is it so hard to show grace to your spouse, compared with showing grace to an acquaintance, coworker, or someone you just met?

-Be honest: Why did you get married? Why do you want to get married? Why do you NOT want to get married? How do these desires line up with scripture and the purposes of marriage described in the Bible?

-Why is selflessness key to marriage? Where have we failed to do this to our spouse, or to those closest to us?

-If you are married, what are your fears as you move forward in your marriage? If you are not married, what are your fears of moving into marriage if you choose to marry? What does the Gospel say to both of those positions?

-The world will know Christ by how we love each other. How well is your community loving each other? Your friendships? Your marriages?

-Why is "love being an action" better than "love being an emotion?"


Ephesians 5:21–33 Genesis 2:18–25

Roles: Husbands & Wives:

Humility: Philippians 2:3–8

Forgiveness: Ephesians 4:31–32, Genesis 2:25

Sacrificial Love: Ephesians 5:1–2, John 15:12–13,1 John 3:16

Notes, Quotes, And Slides:

“Adam has no one of his nature and substance to think about. He has no one in his likeness to love, serve, and honor. Left alone, his thoughts would be too wrapped around himself. This was a problem… In his alone state, Adam could not reflect the complete image that God wanted him to reflect. He was not as full an image-bearer of God’s glory as God desired.”
-John Henderson, Catching Foxes, pg. 70

Extra Question for your own study and reflection this week:

Questions to ask before getting married about who you are dating:

Do I believe that God loves me?

Do I believe that I am forgiven?

Does he or she love Jesus?

Does he or she love Jesus more than they love me?

Am I OK with them loving Jesus more than me?

For Wives:

Do I image Christ to my Husband?

Do I show my husband respect? Words and thoughts?

Am I a help or hinderance for my Husband?

Am I bitter towards Him? If so will you forgive him?

For Husbands:

Am I willing to place her needs, wants, desires, and dreams before my own?

Do I show my wife gratitude and thankfulness?

What do I need to do for my wife so that her relationship with Jesus can flourish?

Where do I need to forgive her?

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