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CG Questions: Friends with the World

Oct 27, 2024

Review the questions below and utilize the ones that best fit your group.

1. How would you describe what it means to be friends with the world in your own words?

2. In the sermon notes on the C+C app, there is a list of traits that come from friendship with the world. Do any of those traits describe you as you are being shaped by the world?

3. How is intentionally engaging unbelievers different from pursuing friendship with the world?

4. Practically, how do you pursue friendship with God? How would you like to do that better?

5. How have you seen God growing you recently as you have been pursuing friendship with God? Celebrate what God is doing in your life currently.

6. Spend some time praying for the unbelievers in your life, that they may come to know and worship Jesus.

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