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Notes + Questions: Amazing Faith

Apr 16, 2023    Pastor Matthias Haeusel


What amazes You?

The Faith of a Centurion: 

1. Centurions

2. Servants

3. Authority

4. Amazement

The Crowds were amazed:

Matthew 7:28

Matthew 9:33

Matthew 15:31

Matthew 22:22

Matthew 27:14

The Disciples were amazed:



Jesus was amazed:

at unbelief - Mark 6:6

at faith - Matthew 8:10

5. Faith

Hebrews 11:1

Hebrews 11:8-12

Genesis 15:5-6

Galatians 3:7

Romans 2:25-29

6. Grace

7. Jesus

CG Questions

1. Re-read the story of the Centurion and Jesus: What stands out to you?

2. Can you think of an experience when you witnessed ‘amazing faith’? Please share.

3. Share an area where you want your faith to grow. 

4. Pray for each other. 

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