Reconciliation • Lust - Adultery —> Purity • Divorce —> Covenant Faithfulness • Oaths —> Truth Telling • Retaliation —> Forgiveness & Blessing • Love your neighbor and your enemy —> unity and loveV.48 The Father’s Perfection: • He reconciles us to himself in Christ • He looks on us with perfect love • He is faithful even when we are faithless • His Word is true • He blesses even though we deserve His wrath • We were God’s enemies and yet He loves us and forgives usINTERNAL RIGHTEOUSNESS: Do you think of yourself as a good person?What makes you think you are good?The Pharisees had created a standard they could keep - it was tedious, but it was outward and it was achievable. The fact that they did not murder anyone or commit adultery made them believe they were righteous. However, God is after something more…Righteousness is a matter of the heart not of outward behavior! • 1 Chronicles 28:9 • Proverbs 16:2 • Mark 7:15-23 • Revelation 2:23ANGER: 6th Commandment = You shall not murder (Exodus 20:13)LUST: 7th Commandment = You shall not commit adultery (Exodus 20:14)CG Questions • Discuss the difference between how the Scribes/Pharisees interpreted the commandments about murder/adultery and how Jesus redefines the commands. • Is anger ever justified? If so, when? How is that type of anger different than what is presented in this passage? • Is there someone in your life that you need to make peace with? (Either someone you wronged or someone who has wronged you, friend or foe.) • What are some practical ways we can ensure our hearts/motives are aligned with Jesus’?" /> Reconciliation • Lust - Adultery —> Purity • Divorce —> Covenant Faithfulness • Oaths —> Truth Telling • Retaliation —> Forgiveness & Blessing • Love your neighbor and your enemy —> unity and loveV.48 The Father’s Perfection: • He reconciles us to himself in Christ • He looks on us with perfect love • He is faithful even when we are faithless • His Word is true • He blesses even though we deserve His wrath • We were God’s enemies and yet He loves us and forgives usINTERNAL RIGHTEOUSNESS: Do you think of yourself as a good person?What makes you think you are good?The Pharisees had created a standard they could keep - it was tedious, but it was outward and it was achievable. The fact that they did not murder anyone or commit adultery made them believe they were righteous. However, God is after something more…Righteousness is a matter of the heart not of outward behavior! • 1 Chronicles 28:9 • Proverbs 16:2 • Mark 7:15-23 • Revelation 2:23ANGER: 6th Commandment = You shall not murder (Exodus 20:13)LUST: 7th Commandment = You shall not commit adultery (Exodus 20:14)CG Questions • Discuss the difference between how the Scribes/Pharisees interpreted the commandments about murder/adultery and how Jesus redefines the commands. • Is anger ever justified? If so, when? How is that type of anger different than what is presented in this passage? • Is there someone in your life that you need to make peace with? (Either someone you wronged or someone who has wronged you, friend or foe.) • What are some practical ways we can ensure our hearts/motives are aligned with Jesus’?" /> Notes + Questions: Deadly Sins: Anger & Lust | Cross+Crown Church ``` ```

Notes + Questions: Deadly Sins: Anger & Lust

Oct 23, 2022    Pastor Matthias Haeusel


The Bible teaches that we are saved by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone!

Jesus came to live the life I could not live, in perfect holiness, obedience, and reliance on God.

Jesus died in our place for our sins, so that all of us who put our faith in Him could be forgiven and accepted.

In verse 20 of Matthew 5 Jesus says - unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
We discussed last time that this is extrinsic righteousness. It is the righteousness of Jesus given to us and credited to our account as a gracious and free gift. (2 Corinthians 5:21)

Now Jesus turns to the ethical requirements of His kingdom. Just like Moses went onto the mountain to receive the law so Jesus goes onto the mountain to teach the law of the Kingdom.
For us Christians how we live matters, not as a matter of earning but as a matter of gratitude, image bearing, and flourishing!

The ethical requirements are for the followers of Christ not for the people who do not know, love, and follow Jesus.

If you say: I love and obey Jesus - this is for you!
If you are still exploring faith in Jesus: Welcome! Let’s start with “Who is Jesus, and what are His claims on my life?"


Relationships in the Kingdom Matthew 5:21-48

• Anger - Insults - Murder —> Reconciliation
• Lust - Adultery —> Purity
• Divorce —> Covenant Faithfulness
• Oaths —> Truth Telling
• Retaliation —> Forgiveness & Blessing
• Love your neighbor and your enemy —> unity and love

V.48 The Father’s Perfection:

• He reconciles us to himself in Christ
• He looks on us with perfect love
• He is faithful even when we are faithless
• His Word is true
• He blesses even though we deserve His wrath
• We were God’s enemies and yet He loves us and forgives us


Do you think of yourself as a good person?
What makes you think you are good?
The Pharisees had created a standard they could keep - it was tedious, but it was outward and it was achievable. The fact that they did not murder anyone or commit adultery made them believe they were righteous. However, God is after something more…

Righteousness is a matter of the heart not of outward behavior!

• 1 Chronicles 28:9
• Proverbs 16:2
• Mark 7:15-23
• Revelation 2:23

6th Commandment = You shall not murder (Exodus 20:13)

7th Commandment = You shall not commit adultery (Exodus 20:14)

CG Questions

• Discuss the difference between how the Scribes/Pharisees interpreted the commandments about murder/adultery and how Jesus redefines the commands.
• Is anger ever justified? If so, when? How is that type of anger different than what is presented in this passage?
• Is there someone in your life that you need to make peace with? (Either someone you wronged or someone who has wronged you, friend or foe.)
• What are some practical ways we can ensure our hearts/motives are aligned with Jesus’?

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