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Notes + Questions: Jesus' Authority: Over Sickness

Mar 12, 2023    Pastor Matthias Haeusel


Jesus proves who He is—THE MESSIAH—by what He does!

Matthew’s Design: 

Teaching of the Kingdom - Matthew 5-7

Proof of Jesus’ Authority - Matthew 8-9

• Authority over sickness - Mt. 8:2-17

• Authority over disciples - Mt. 8:18-22

• Authority over Nature - Mt.8:23-27

• Authority over the Spiritual Realm - Mt.8:28-34

The Authority of Jesus

John Stott: “Do not ask ‘what do you make of this teaching?’; instead ask ‘who is this teacher?’”

1. Jesus the Teacher

• Jesus is not dependent on other sources such as famous rabbis or tradition

• Jesus speaks authoritatively: “you have heard it said… but I say…”

• Jesus taught God’s message - John 7:16

2. Jesus the Christ

• If the kingdom of God has come, then the King is here. This King is the Christ

- Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand - Mt.4:17

- Jesus proclaimed: the Gospel of the Kingdom - Mt. 4:23

3. Jesus the Lord

• Jesus calls himself the Son of Man - Messianic Title from Daniel 7:14

• Not everyone who says Lord, Lord will enter heaven

• Jesus claims that He is the LORD

4. Jesus the Savior

• Name Him Jesus, for he will save His people from their sins - Mt.1:21

• Blessed are - Jesus claims to know the way to blessedness and salvation

• Jesus knows the way to life and the way to destruction - He is the way!

• Jesus claims that He can forgive sin - Mt.9:1-6

5. Jesus the Judge

• Jesus claims that He is the Judge - Mt.7:22-23

• Jesus will hear the evidence and He will pronounce Judgment

• Jesus is the Judge - Mt.25:31-46

• People will be judged based on their attitude toward Jesus

• People will be judged based on their obedience to Jesus

• Judgment will include exclusion from Jesus’ presence

6. Jesus the Son of God

• Jesus taught the disciples to pray to God as Father

• Jesus claims that God is uniquely His Father:

- Jesus was very precise with his use of ‘your’, ‘our’ and ‘my Father'

• Pray then like this: Our Father - Mt.6:9

• Jesus promises: Your Father hears your prayer and knows what you need - Mt.6:32

• Your Father will give you good gifts - Mt.7:11

• Everyone who does the will of my Father - Mt.7:21

• No one knows the Son except the Father - Mt. 11:27

7. Jesus is God

• Jesus claims the prerogatives of deity:

- Pronouncing Judgment

- Forgiving sin

- Receiving worship

• Jesus claims that the suffering of the disciples on account of Him is the same as the suffering of the prophets of old who spoke for God:

- Mt. 5:11-12

• Obeying Jesus is equal to obeying the Father - Mt. 7:21-27

—> Believe in Jesus not only because of His Words (Teaching) but because of His Works (Miracles).

• John 10:37-38

• John 14:10-11

• John 20:30-31

• Acts 2:22

Healing the Leper

Matthew 8:1-4

And behold a leper...

• Leprosy could be one of a number of skin diseases common in that day including the most severe form we refer to by this name today: Mycobacterium Leprae - Hansen’s Disease)

• Infectious disease that damages the peripheral nerves and targets the skin, eyes, nose, muscles, and even organs.

• Associated with God’s displeasure and Judgment

- Miriam - Numbers 12

- Gehazi - 2 Kings 5:27

- Uzziah - 2 Chronicles 26:19-21

• Caused exclusion from normal life, including family, work, worship - Numbers 5:1-4

Lord, if you will…

• the leper trusted Jesus' power completely!

• did he question Jesus’ love and care?

make me clean!

• uncleanness

• outcast from the people of God

• separated from worship and access to the temple

Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him…

• compare Mark 1:41- “moved with pity”

• outrageous act of Jesus

• if you touch anything unclean you will yourself be contaminated

be clean…

• Jesus is not defiled by the leper - instead, His holiness is ‘contagious’ and brings cleansing and wholeness to the leper!

• Compare Isaiah 6:1-7 - Isaiah is a man of unclean lips, but the holiness of God represented by the coal from the altar cleanses Isaiah.


EXPIATION - Cleansing of sin and guilt through someone making atonement

Come to Jesus and He will make you clean!

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