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CG Questions: Jesus' Last Week

Mar 17, 2024    Pastor Adam Christiansen

1. As we are approaching Easter, share with your CG how your walk with God is going lately. How can you be praying for and supporting one another?

2. How does the resurrection make Christianity different from every other worldview and religion?

3. Jesus’ main points in his discussion of the end times are that believers should be prepared, be ready to suffer, and be ready to trust. How is Jesus’ conversation with the disciples in Matthew 24 (also in Mark 13 and Luke 21) encouraging for us as believers today?

4. Do you trust that God can give you the courage and the words to say to share the gospel with your friends, family, or coworkers?

5. The Passover meal was a celebration designed to remind the nation of Israel about God’s faithfulness in rescuing them from slavery in Egypt. Do you have any regular rhythms, meals, or occasions that remind you of God’s faithfulness to you in your life?

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