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Notes + Questions: Faith

Dec 11, 2022    Pastor Matthias Haeusel


Biblical Hope is not finger-crossing wishful thinkingHope is a future confidenceRomans 5:5Romans 8:24-25

—> Hope looks to the future. It is a confident expectation based upon a sure foundation for which we wait with joy.


Faith includes Hope but is more Faith is confidence, trust, and reliance in a person

“Biblical Hope is Biblical Faith in the future tense.” ~ Dr. John Piper

—> Faith looks both backward and forward. 

It looks backward to the faithfulness of God in the past, in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 

Faith looks forward to the return of Jesus, the salvation in Jesus, and the restoration through Jesus.

Psalm 42:112 Corinthians 5:6-7Hebrews 11

3 Aspects of Faith:

The Reformers recognized three essential components of saving faith: notitia, assensus, and fiducia.

Knowledge - Knowing the truth.Assent - the Conviction that what we know is true.Trust - Entrusting ourselves to this truth.

—> Life-Changing Faith happens when what we know becomes what we not only believe but are committed to and consequently what we act upon.

Faith in Action - Joseph, Mary, and the Wise Men: 

Joseph - Matthew 1:18-25Mary - Luke 1:26-38Wise Men - Matthew 2:1-12

Trust in God’s Word instead of your logic.

Trust in God’s character instead of your desires.

Trust in God’s promises instead of your feelings.

CG Questions

Fill in this sentence with as many pairings as you can:

GOD IS ___________, I don’t need to _________________.


GOD IS ___________, I can ________________.


GOD IS FAITHFUL, I can trust His promises.

As a group come up with different constellations and discuss how this truth would potentially transform your life and your relationship with God and others.

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