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Notes + Questions: Mission

Jan 8, 2023    Pastor Matthias Haeusel

A Series about the Mission, Vision, and Strategy of Cross and Crown Church to make fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ!

Mission - Vision - Strategy 

1. Make fully devoted followers of Jesus 

2. Saturate our cities with the Good News of Jesus Christ by multiplying Gospel communities that make fully devoted followers of Jesus 

3. Followers of Jesus believe, belong, become, and build.

Today - The Great Commission 

Matthew 28:16-20


The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the greatest news anyone could ever hear or conceive of. 

Rebel sinners are forgiven, reconciled, loved, and given a place in the kingdom of the Heavenly Father!

We have been given freedom from sin and shame and received a new heart, a new life, and the promise of a future that we could never have imagined!

So why are we so embarrassed by it?

Why are we hesitant even reticent to share this good news with the people who we claim to love?!

Apparently, that’s not new, the Apostle Paul says in Romans “I am not ashamed of the Gospel…”

Relevant Scriptures:

• Matthew 28:18-20 Go, and make disciples, baptizing and teaching

• Mark 16:15 Proclaim the Gospel to the whole world

• Luke 24:47 Repentance & Forgiveness preached in Jesus' Name

• John 17:18 as you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world

• Acts 1:8 Power to be witnesses 

Outline of Matthew 28:16-20:

v.16 - obedience 

v.17 - worship

v.17 - doubt 

v.18 - Jesus draws near to solve their doubt 

v.18 - sovereign authority 

v.19 - therefore 

v.19 - make disciples (1 imperative)

v.19 + 20 - 3 participles: going, baptizing, teaching 

v.20 - God with us!

Comparison between Matthew 1 & 2 to Matthew 28:

• Obedience of Mary and Joseph

• Doubt (not arrogant, not cynical, not wickedly but needing more information and reassurance) of Mary, Joseph, shepherds, etc. 

• Worship of the wise men

• Savior - repentance and forgiveness 

• Christ - messianic mission

• Lord - all authority: yes, LORD

• Immanuel - God with us

Concepts to consider: 

• Worship

• Doubt

• Authority

• Discipleship


• What gives me the right to tell people that they need Jesus?

• What about tolerance?

• What if I don’t have all the answers?

• People will hate and reject me. 

CG Questions

1. Discuss the Great Commission Jesus gives to ALL of His disciples.

2. How is the Gospel Good News? What makes it worth sharing?

3. What are your experiences with sharing the Good News of Jesus’ love and salvation?

4. If you struggle with sharing your faith, describe why? What steps do you need to take to overcome these struggles?

5. How can we be messengers and missionaries on our own and with our community?

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